The biggest epiphany in 5 years!

So this post started out me.... then the guides took over somewhere haha! I realized that when I said "and I bid you adieu" at the end... silly guides they just love to take the stage when they have the opportunity... it's all good better them than me anyway! haha!

I really like how the guides have been explaining the levels of consciousness through the chakras... it totally matches the teachings they gave us on soul levels but applying the chakras to it is SO much more relatable now!

I don't read so I am probably realizing things a ton of you already know but it's my mission to figure this all out on my own through the channeling of my higher self and guides....I don't ever want to feel that anything I am channeling is coming from some thing I read not because I don't respect others work and not because I need to discover anything new but because I am SO skeptical of the stuff I am learning that it's more believable to me if something I COULD HAVE NEVER KNOWN comes through from a PURE christ based reliable source.

The other day after asking my higher self and I am to take me into the energetic system of a situation with a friend where she that was saying one thing but we were all reading unhappiness, anger, and jealousy underneath. I was shown that we actually have all 7 chakras with in each of the 7 chakras and that even if we are evolving though the chakras spiritually we could be one of the souls that is in a fallen state... living in the root chakra. In her case she is in the heart (sometimes) with in the solar plexus which is very success /failure, right/wrong, good/bad, material goods = success chakra and even if you are in the heart you are incapable of being happy for a friend who may have just gotten something that you wanted and worked very hard for for a very long time. THIS MADE SO MUCH SENSE TO ME!

This is the biggest epiphany I have had in 5 years because it now explains all the stuff the guides teach about soul levels, spiritual credit scores, and everything on ascension and our goal to become Christed like Yeshua and the crew taught about 2000 years ago!

I have channeled a bunch of exercises that will help us to ascend into the heart of the heart chakra and ways to dissolve the inner child that keeps us in the 2nd chakra dealing with addiction issues like me or the root chakra dealing with issues of not feeling safe and in a poverty consciousness. I am super excited to start teaching all of this and I have not even channeled 5% of what is about to come through.

I am meeting a new friend today and we are going to channel and chart out the energetic system so that I can draw a map for all of you to follow into your Christed state!

How many of you have friends that at the drop of a hat turn into angry, territorial, self righteous, competitive, and jealous people who when confronted say all the right things that an intellectual spiritual person would say.... but because you are an empath you can feel the choking feeling of their true emotions underneath? When that happens ask yourself this question... who are you in this situation? What piece of you is projecting? Are you inviting this in? Are you your inner child? Are you seeing life through a cord to an Ex or a parent? We are all actors in our own plays and EVERYONE in our lives are here to teach us lessons and to FORCE us to work through emotions that we may take pills, or drink wine, or use work and success, or drama and arguing about things that don't matter, or competition as a way to NOT DEAL WITH THE KIDDO INSIDE that just wants to feel safe, loved, appreciated, respected, honored, and wants to know that no matter what their parents love them even if they are not what the parents thought they SHOULD be. Because it is that piece of us that makes others our "parent" so that we can please them and get acceptance from them and in doing that the people get lashed out at energetically and unconciously (if we are unconscious of our emotions) the way we wished we could have done to that parent but we were too young and too afraid to at the time........

Let's find that piece in us that needs healing and acknowledge him or her today. Ask him or her what they want and what they need and then close your eyes breathe into your heart with your hand laid lightly on that area. After breathing for a few minutes say Zero to release you from the Chakra system and get you into your ascension tube say "I am my I am" and allow your God self to merge with you. Then imagine the little you in from of you and from above him or her imagine a HUGE STREAM OF liquid light coming down over the little you until they dissolve.

You have just allowed you I am self, your God self to give that child version of you anything they ever needed therefore allowing you to move forward in life with out the obligation to recieve approval from "dad" or "mom" or "sibling" or "teacher" in anyone you have an emotional relationship with.

The emotional body (our snow flakes) are CLOSED down to anyone and everyone until you make friends with someone or get into a relationship and once that happen the little damaged and hurt us is let loose and that is when relationships get crazy, friendships shift and accusations begin to fly because our mind is an adult therefore we don't realize it is us acting childish and think it is everyone around us.

This exercise is super powerful I use it everyday on my addiction stuff... because addition does NOT go away I have TRIED and WILL CONTINUE to search relentlessly for the energetic cure to addiction but all I have found so far is it is in the 2nd chakra and it is caused by empathic people not being able to handle the emotions around them so they use something to artificially sheild them from the emotional body so they can feel normal .

Anyway now I am off on a tangent.... try this you will be happy you did and I will be back tomorrow!

God Bless all of you and we bid you Adeu,

Marisa, Her Higher Self, Sophia, and Jesus


  1. Whew! Thankyou so much! Sometimes your English isn't perfect...but the info and the spirit of what you give is so so important. Maybe get someone to read your stuff first before you put it out there. Anyway..however it comes...Thank you Thank you Thank you!! You make me is so strong! And info we all need so much at this time on this shifting Earth! Thank you for your generosity in sharing this, Maris, Sophia, Jesus <3

  2. I dont understand your writing, I hear you speak and you're perfectly clear and interesting come your written English is so different? I feel that there is something that I am missing...for example, what does this sentence mean: The other day after asking my higher self and I am to take me into the energetic system of a situation with a friend where she that was saying one thing but we were all reading unhappiness, anger, and jealousy underneath?

    1. I am not sure, its automatic writing and it doesn't make sense sometimes, I use to post my automatic writing and didn't want to change any thing and change the meanings. Thanks for the heads up! I will take all of this down, I had TOTALLY forgotten about this blog. Have a great day and thanks for visiting our site! :) :)


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